Diets to Try: Is Keto for You?

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There are many diets you can try to keep yourself healthy and achieve your weight loss goals. The most popular is the Keto Diet, which has been shown in numerous studies as being effective for trimming down even those stubborn pounds!

Some standard diets used as a health and weight-loss diet are the Paleo Diet, the Vegan Diet, the Dukan Diet, and the Atkins Diet, but the most popular diet is the Keto Diet. The Keto Diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet used to put the body under the metabolic state of Ketosis (a condition in which it starts burning already deposited fats to produce energy, hence helping in weight loss). At present, millions of people are keto dieters to get various health benefits, particularly weight loss. 

Is Keto Good for You? 

That might be the question that comes first in your mind when you hear the word “Keto.” In this article, you will learn all the essential things and working mec hanisms of the Keto Diet, after which you’ll be able to conclude that if the keto diet is good for you or not. So, let’s get started!

What is a Keto (Ketogenic) Diet?

As we mentioned earlier, Keto Diet is a very low-carb diet, a high-fat diet that cuts down your daily carbohydrate intake. The reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates in the Keto Diet is to compensate for fat. In recent decades, the Ketogenic diet has become a trendy weight loss diet adopted by millions of people worldwide.

How Does Keto Diet work?

The working principle of the Keto Diet is dependent on Ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the body shifts its fuel for energy from carbohydrates to fats. When we consume an ordinary diet, our body uses carbohydrates to produce energy, while in the case of the Keto Diet, it burns fat to meet its energy requirements. The body burns both types of fats in Ketosis, the fat already deposited in the body and fats from high-fat foods. As a result of this fat-burning, Ketosis promotes weight loss.

The body burns fat into fatty acids that are converted into ketones by the liver, leading to high ketone levels in the body. That’s why this state is called Ketosis. Ketosis is the litmus test for the correct working of the Keto Diet. If your body is in Ketosis, you can conclude that the Keto Diet has worked for you.

What are the Health Benefits of Keto Diet?

Following are some expected health benefits of the Keto Diet:

  • Weight Loss

Weight loss is the primary and significant health benefit of the Keto Diet. According to the research studies, when you reduce your carb intake, your body starts burning already deposited fats through which it starts losing weight substantially. Keto Diet offers a natural way to lose weight effectively. A research study published in 2010 reported that the high-fat foods that we consume in the Keto Diet produce the feeling of satiety in the body that prevents us from overeating. Consequently, we gain less weight and lose more.

  • Lowers down the risk of heart disease

Keto Diet is involved in lowering down the risk factors of heart diseases. It improves body fat and HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the body. Keto Diet also improves blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

  • Keto Diet may help in the treatment of diabetes.

High blood sugar levels describe diabetes in the body with impaired insulin function. In Keto Diet, you consume less carb than the standard diet, which helps treat diabetes by keeping low blood sugar levels. According to one older research study, the keto diet is connected with improving insulin sensitivity. In addition, Keto Diet promotes weight loss which is associated with lowering down the risk factors of diabetes.  

  • Anti-Cancerous Properties

Many research studies are ongoing to check the anti-cancerous properties of the Keto Diet. Recently, a research study revealed that Keto Diet might help slow down the growth of cancerous cells.

  • Helps in the treatment of Epilepsy and Alzheimer’s Disease

Research studies have reported significant anti-seizure properties of the Keto Diet, which may help treat Epilepsy. A ketogenic diet can also help reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

With this wide range of health benefits, Keto Diet is worth trying.

What foods can You ingest on Keto Diet?

Here we are going to enlist the foods that you can eat and avoid while on Ketogenic Diet.

Foods to Avoid

You cannot have high-carb foods while on Keto Diet. Coming is the list of foods to avoid or reduce on a ketogenic diet:

  • Sugary Foods Grains 
  • Starches
  • Fruit except for berries or strawberries
  • Beans 
  • Legumes
  • Root Vegetable and Tubers
  • Condiments
  • Sauces
  • Alcohol
  • Unhealthy fats

Foods to Eat

You can eat all the healthy, high-fat foods on Ketogenic Diet. Your daily meal should base around these high-fat foods:

  • Meat (including red meat, chicken, and turkey)
  • Fatty Fish
  • Eggs 
  • Butter and Creams
  • Cheese
  • Seeds and Nuts
  • Healthy Oils
  • Avocados
  • Low Carb Vegetables
  • Condiments

Is Keto Diet Suitable for You?

The Keto diet is a weight loss strategy that uses low carb and high fat intake. The keto community usually sticks with this eating plan because it’s generally safe, but some side effects may be experienced at the start, such as headaches or nausea, for example.

LOW CARB DIET: A MORE WIDESPREAD TREND? – While there has been little research into how successful these diets are in terms of long-term outcome versus more moderate variations like vegetarianism/veganism+, most people report drastic gains when switching from processed foods that tend to have higher carbs, such as:

  • Poor Energy
  • Increased Hunger
  • Sleep Issues
  • Nausea
  • Digestive discomfort
  • Decreased Exercise performance

All these side effects are commonly called Keto Flu. It stays in the first 2-3 weeks of the Keto Diet and disappears after that.

Keto Diet is generally an excellent option to get a variety of health benefits. It also suits most of the people who want weight loss. However, it is considered the best practice to consult with your doctor before starting the keto diet to avoid complications. Getting help from your doctor during Keto Diet is the best way to get the maximum out of it.

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